Resultados: 7

Preceptoria hospitalar: a prática do profissional de saúde como analisador da instituição formação em saúde

Objetivo: analisar a institucionalização da preceptoria em saúde em uma unidade hospitalar geral do Município de Duque de Caxias. Método: estudo sócio-clínico institucional, com abordagem metodológica qualitativa. Os dados serão coletados em um estabelecimento público de saúde, localizado no m...

Teaching implications in the pedagogical training of a technical school

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the teaching implications with the pedagogical training in a Technical School of SUS. Method: a qualitative study that has the Institutional Analysis as theoretical and methodological framework, Institutional Socio-Clinical modality, whose data were collected from July 20...

Armed conflict at primary care: challenges for practice and training

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the training of Family Health Strategy health professionals who work in dangerous territories affected by the armed conflict and its consequences in their practice. Methods: a qualitative-intervention research carried out with thirteen health professionals, using as a th...

O corpo na formação pedagógica - análise socioclínica institucional das práticas profissionais dos docentes de enfermagem

Objetivo: analisar o papel do corpo no processo de ensino realizado pelos docentes do curso de enfermagem de uma instituição pública do município de Campos dos Goytacazes. Método: estudo qualitativo, cujo desenho se utilizará da socioclínica institucional. Os sujeitos serão os docentes de Enfer...

The institutionalization of teaching of psychosocial care in medicine: an institutional socio-clinical study

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online); 12 (suplementar), 2013
Medical training in psychosocial care has presented difficulties in terms of meeting health policies and mental health aims. Aim: To analyze the institutionalization of the psychosocial care teaching processes conducted in practice scenarios of the Family Health Strategy, as part of the formation of the ...

Reflections about the tutor in a university hospital: a case study

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online); 11 (2,supl.1), 2012
Originated from the dissertation of the Professional Master in Education in Health of the Federal Fluminense University, this study aims to analyze the professional practice of the tutors from the infectology sector in terms of graduate students in a University Hospital (HU). Its specific aims are to des...

Implicaciones docentes em las transformaciones curriculares del área de la salud: Un análisis socio-histórico

We present here a reflection about the participation of professors in the changes in the curriculum in Medicine and Nursing schools of a certain university. with the objective to understand how is the institucionalization of those curricula as collective projects. We sellected professors who participated...